Disclaimer I’ve started learning Rust, therefore the following needs to be taken with appropriate amount of salt.

When (de)serializing from and to an API it can happen, that a string field can only return a fixed number of possibilities. Such cases are often best represented in a client library by using an Enumeration, as this forces users of the client to only be able supply a valid string. This can be represented in Rust as follows.

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
enum Fruit {

The #[derive] attribute instructs the compiler to provide implementations for the Deserializer and Serializer traits of the Fruit enumeration, instead of having to implement them manually.

It’s possible to leverage the Deserializer trait of Serde for implementing the FromStr trait without having to manually write a pattern for each match expression pattern. This can be useful for fields that need to be renamed to match their serialization.

use std::str::FromStr;
use serde::de::{value, IntoDeserializer};

impl FromStr for Fruit {
    type Err = value::Error;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {

Most parts of this implementation of FromStr comes from the documentation of IntoDeserializer.