When trying to install the official Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Live server image from a USB stick on an APU board the following error is emitted. This seems to come from the fact that the APU board only provides a serial port.

graphics initialization failed
Error setting up gfxboot

A quick online search suggests using the network installer mini.iso from the alternative downloads page needs to instead.

Till Ubuntu 19.10 only the kernel boot parameters need to be changed for the network installer to successfully boot. This can done by selecting Install and hitting <Tab> within the installation menu.

linux vga=off initrd=initrd.gz --- console=ttyS0,115200u8

With the release of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS support for the network installer has been dropped in favor of the standard Ubuntu Live server image.

For 20.04 LTS, users can use the new Ubuntu Live installer to setup and configure a network install.

Trying to boot Ubuntu 20.04 with the previous boot parameters doesn’t work and results in memory allocation errors.

boot: /casper/vmlinuz vga=off initrd=/casper/initrd --- console=ttyS0,115200u8
Loading /casper/vmlinuz... ok
Loading /casper/initrd...ok
Booting kernel failed: Invalid argument
Could not allocate memory.
Could not allocate memory.
Could not allocate memory.

It’s still possible to install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on an APU board by performing a network installation using PXE as described in another note