Terraform supports various backends which are used for remote state storage and locking. On AWS a S3 bucket and DynamoDB table can be used as a backend. Ideally one want to manage these resources using terraform as well, which results in a chicken or the egg problem. This situation can be resolved by using terraform’s local backend for bootstrapping and terraform’s ability to copy existing state to a new backend.

Using this GitHub Gist a remote backend on AWS can be created as follows.

  1. Initialize a new terraform working directory. Since no remote backend is configured, terraform’s local backend is used.

    terraform init
  2. Create the resources used by the remote backend. The gist uses the same input variables as used by the backend configuration.

    cat << EOF > backend.hcl
    bucket         = "terraform-state"
    dynamodb_table = "terraform-state-lock"
    encrypt        = true
    region         = "eu-central-1"
    terraform apply -var-file backend.hcl
  3. Copy the existing local state of the newly created remote backend. This step makes use of partial configuration, which requires at minimum an empty backend configuration.

    cat << EOF > terraform.tf
    terraform {
      backend "s3" {
        key = "backend.tfstate"
    terraform init -backend-config backend.hcl -force-copy -reconfigure
  4. It’s good practice to manage other resources with the same remote backend using a different state file. On AWS this means choosing a different backend key.