I’m Felix Ehrenpfort and this is my small web presence.

Currently, I’m working as a Software Engineer at Planet Labs.

Besides, reading papers, books and bad Go moves, I’ve been reporting, fixing and developing bugs in various open-source projects over the past years.

I’m naturally curious and love learning, so the set of things that I find interesting is pretty broad and often strange. Which may be a reason why one of the first programming language I’ve learned was Common Lisp. Nowadays, I do most programming related tasks in Golang, Python, Bash or AWK.

The intention of this project is to share thoughts, notes and ideas of my daily adventures. Therefore, notes can be incomplete and outdated. In case you want to report or contribute, please feel welcome to open an issue or pull request.

If you like to get in touch with me, you can E-Mail me at firstname@lastname.de.